As an orthopaedic surgeon, your anticipated income and lifestyle is directly tied to your physical, emotional and cognitive ability to perform highly specialized procedures. Owning a comprehensive disability insurance policy is the most effective way for you to protect that anticipated income and lifestyle from the effects of a debilitating injury or illness. Our firm specializes in working with physicians and can help you secure a comprehensive policy suitable for your circumstances. Call 800-817-4522 or submit a quote request to get personalized proposals and recommendations.
We exclusively offer policies that include a True Own-Occupation definition of total disability. This means that a benefit may be payable if you become unable to perform surgery, even if you are able and chose to work in a different occupation. Physicians are naturally hard working, motivated and intelligent individuals. Owning a policy with the true own-occupation definition of total disability prevents the insurance company from penalizing you for being motivated and resourceful enough to work in a different occupation while unable to work as an orthopaedic surgeon.
We tailor our policies to provide for the unique risks and needs of physicians during training and throughout their career. Purchasing the right coverage today can save you time and money in the future. Below are some of the features we generally recommend:
Selecting a disability insurance policy can be difficult – so let us help! Submit your quote request and we’ll email you a quote comparison and recommendation. If you prefer to speak with us by phone, call 800-817-4522 .
Your information is used exclusively to provide you with personalized quotes. We do not share or sell your information. For more details click here.